Male Fitness
Male Fitness
Male Fitness Model competitors will be judged as follows:
Male Fitness models will wear shorts or shorts style swimming trunks and will have bare feet and bare upper body
No footwear will be permitted at all in this category.
Board /Surfer shorts are NOT permitted (You will be disqualified)
Male Fitness models will be expected to wear shorts that fully showcase their quads and hamstrings
Male Fitness models should be lean/have low body fat, with noticeable muscle maturity all over
The body proportions the judges will be looking for are: broad/capped shoulders, full chest , developed muscle bellies in the back, small waist and muscle development lower body in the legs and glutes.
Male Fitness models should have a visible 6 or 8 pack .
No, one area of the body should be noticeably dominate or noticeably under developed.
Hair ,stage presentation and posing will be an important criteria for male fitness models competing in this category.
Male Fitness models can wear any colour shorts that they feel best suits them as long as the shorts meets all the above clothing criteria for this category.
Male Fitness Model categories are as follows
18+ Open Class- All competitors aged 18 and over